In a terrifying post-apocalyptic world inhabited by gangs divided into deadly factions, a husband and wife race desperately across the countryside in search of safety and must work together as they are pushed to the breaking point in order to survive.
Director:In a terrifying post-apocalyptic world inhabited by gangs divided into deadly factions, a husband and wife race desperately across the countryside in search of safety and must work together as they are pushed to the breaking point in order to survive.
Un film foarte interesant! Il recomand cu toata incredera !
Foarte bun filmul, Il recomand cu toata increderea
cu ochi de peste si anusuri de gaina semi prajite in untura de caine ud.
Un film bun ! Merita vazut !
O fi fain, dar la mine merge in reluare si nu pot sa ma uit asa.
nu i cel mai bun film vazut ever. dar ii ok.
mi a placut sfarsitul cel mai tare, in rest nu prea. uita te
A mers uns, speram sa nu se mai termine. Acțiune de la inceput si pana la sfarsit.